Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dr. T's bold and saucy review

My delightful denizens of Dorp, I bring you good tidings. As promised, the second International Research in Children's Literature (IRSCL) review, put out through Edinburgh University Press, has reared its resplendent head, and can be found HERE.

In other news, the highly secretive and secretional splinter group of the SFPS (ye Ancient and Honourable Society for the Prevention of Sense) has been working away at the Anthology of World Nonsense. Like cows flung from siege engines at our unsuspecting nonsense citadel, we've received submissions of nonsense texts (poems, stories, songs, etc.) from India, Sweden, Japan, Finland, Denmark, Turkey, Russia, France, Germany, South Africa, Nicaragua, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Tuva, and others. That's a lot of cows. But we want more. More cows, we say. Fling them ourwaywardly, and your reward shall be here as in the great ethereal Eggnoggery in the sky. In other words, please do feel free to continue to submit texts to us for consideration... See the old blog entry for more details HERE.