Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mini-review and interview, also Mr. Sputum expounding on the Scholastic blog

My Hero
Mr. Sputum says
"Blog to blog,
Bog to glog,
Grog to Smaug!"

Nimmy Chacko was kind enough to write a lovely Scholastic blog entry on This Book Makes No Sense, and you'll find included a little online interview, where I expound on nonsense, giraffes, nonsense giraffes, Alan Watts as a neo-giraffe, Samuel Taylor Coleraffe, Xanadu and Olivia Newton-Jiraffe, and other things related to nonsense theory and giraffes (oddly, without any reference to Dr. and Mr. Doris Haggis-On-Whey's brilliant nonsensical Giraffes? Giraffes!).

Why Mr. Sputum?--I can't rightly say.  He appeared in the Indian Express newspaper (I think) during my trip... and he has been wanting to contribute to the blog ever since...

Here is the blog:

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